Cantex Mine Development Corp.
Heli-GT geophysical survey helps discover new gossan deposit and expands prospective strike length of massive sulphide target to over 4 kilometres.
The Most Advanced Magnetic Mapping System
Heli-GT geophysical survey helps discover new gossan deposit and expands prospective strike length of massive sulphide target to over 4 kilometres.
A helicopter towed electromagnetic survey gives the EM system priority. The Heli-GT system makes the magnetic map the priority.
Red Pine Exploration’s chosen system to aid their search for gold near Wawa, Ontario, Canada. Magnetic detail very useful in guiding and targeting drill program.
Ground mag surveys expensive. The Heli-GT system operates at tree-top level to provide all the detail one would expect from a ground mag survey, from the air.
Glacial till anomalies at 1 nT contour interval illustrate the exceptional mapping ability of the Heli-GT system for even the weakest magnetic features.
The HELI-GT + GT-GRID airborne magnetic mapping system offers exceptional mapping abilities to precisely locate, resolve and map cultural artifacts.
The Most Versatile Navigation and Geophysical Display
A standalone solution for data acquisition and 3D navigation with GEM Systems airborne Magnetometers and Gradiometers.